Thursday, June 20, 2024

Ode to Taylor Rotunda (Uncle Howdy)

 Oh sweet Taylor.

Thank you for continuing your brother’s story.

Your return to WWE RAW is spooky,

But crying with joy.

Your sister Mika is proud of what you done.

Your nieces and nephew will understand that you are continuing their father’s legacy.

But most of all,

You make wrestling cool again.

Despite the mean comments,

You are still cool.

They don’t know your family, kayfabe or real.

You are making Windham proud.

Long live the Rotunda family!

Long live the Wyatt Family!

Hail Taylor!

Uncle Howdy is who he is!

He’s here with the Wyatt Sick6!

To cause chaos and destruction and to make his late brother proud!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

My dear LobsterMan Cori

My dear LobsterMan Cori.
Thank you for everything.
Every time my anxiety has gone through the roof, your voice and everything of who you are, makes me calm.

The reason why is because of my family. 
They break me so badly.
At least I can watch you and all of it goes away.
For now.
Until it comes back.
I just need you and your gameplay.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

An Ode to Claudio Castagnoli

He's the reason why I looked at his former tag team partner and why they were the best.

He's the reason why he did not treated anyone under him like trash. 

He's the reason why I enjoy gaming again.

He's the reason why I enjoy Tribe Gaming and Cori.

He's the reason why wrestling is fun again.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Pro, the expert, and the one who wants to be like them.

The Pro player in Sweeden.
The expert got a hair cut.
Here I am simping for them.
I should be supporting them.
However, I feel awful talking to them.
At least Tom and Drage had to be funny. 
Thanks guys.
Tell Cori I said hi.
Also the others too.
Sweet Nat,
girl you are good!

I haven't lost my mind since I went nuts for Chris Hero.
Maybe I need to calm down.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Why should I go to a wedding of someone that I haven't seen in a while?

Tell me why should I go to a wedding that I don't know the bride and we haven't seen the groom for a while, like years?

It's not right and not fair for us.
It's not right and not fair for any of those guests who were invited because they have seen them in days.

It's being rude to go.
It's not rude to no go.

I wish I had a friend to see face to face.
Just to hang with.
Then when they want to get married and they invite me, I would want to go, if we seen each other and I know who they are getting married to.
That feels right.
No, that is right.
It's fair.

That's what fairness is about.
That is how to be nice.
Not to be rude.
Just how rude this family was.
Rude to not invite me for one wedding, But this wedding is right.


Rude people don't deserve me!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sir Didi the Artist?

There is a Philadelphia Phillies player, Didi Gregorius, is his name.
Dubbed Sir Didi, because he got honorary knighted by the Queen of the Netherlands in 2011.
However he had pick up a talent during the pandemic.
Yes, art.
He drew and color all of his teammates.
Then he post them on Instagram every time Philadelphia wins.
He always say, "WHAT A GAME!!"
Just to know that Philadelphia Phillies win the game.

So, is it true, that what he is?
Sir Didi the artist?
Yes, it's true.
Glad Philadelphia signed him well.