Monday, October 30, 2017

Before Halloween

On the day before Halloween.
My notification goes off.
It's Kenny Omega retweeting tweets on Twitter.
But, why is it so, when the first had him not in his wrestling gear?
Well, it's because he was dress up as Princess Jasmine from Aladdin.
I was blushing, turning red no doubt.
Not to mention laughing too.
Why did he do that?
I have a feeling it will be on his YouTube show with The Young Bucks that he does.
Being The Elite is it.
But, I feel weird he dress like that.
I rather have him as Aladdin in my view.
Because, he has the body for it.
I will be his Princess Jasmine.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

A world to see in my eyes

I have a world that I live in.
Divided by a lot.
Rebellious ways are slipping.
To grasp my heart.
Gaming on Twitch.
Vlogging on YouTube.
Twitter follows is a must.
Instagram needs worked.
However people I know of.
I wish they know me.
Some know I do.
Others I don't.
The world I live in has become mad.
Where does this madness come from?
From my family, no doubt.
A ill father who needs help.
A brother who needs to be a real man, not a bum.
A mother who needs to stop harassing me to get a job at Amazon!
I wish I could list more.

But, that's all I need to say.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Twitch Streamers!

Twitch streamers come in different backgrounds.
Different ways.
Which one do I like the most?
Well, that is something to know.
There is TheX33N,
But everyone calls him X33N.
He acts like a dork,
But I don't think he is.
One of his moderators, Meza is really nice.
He makes me laugh when he does silly stuff or when he makes a mistake on stream.
I am kinda shy around them both.
I am still working on it, you will see!
Of course there is AngelKyone.
Damn she's a firecracker!
And no it's not just her looks, you perv.
She has friends will kick your butt!

Maybop, Ecto, and Leumas, can't forget those three.
They stream not much a lot.
I know that because Maybop is married.
Ecto and Leumas work, it is true.
But, Leumas gets pick on by X33N on Sunday afternoon stream X33N does.
Just to make it fun.
No harm, because it's Minecraft!

Some others that I know like and will watch like Julia, Lindsey, Sam, and Bella, which are female streamers.
It's just weird that there these people.
Oh yeah, can't forget the trio.
Tom, Sonja, and Jordan.
I know that those three are there too.
Each of them have high followers.
I know there are a lot.
Those who I know, but hard to list too.


All I am asking you is to block me

All I am asking you is to block me.
Because you don't like me.
You never respond to my tweets.
It's for the best for me to stay away from you.
You are a wrestler.
I am a gamer.
We can't cross paths ever again.
You are into veganism.
I can't because of family members are preventing me.
You got your girl.
Have her block me too.
I have the streaming community got my back.
They know I don't like you.
I rather try to enjoy watching wrestling without you.
But, I am not going to make Tommy Dreamer mad.
He's a legend.
Oh yeah if you see Chris and his girlfriend who is terrible at wrestling.
Tell them to block me too.
Goodbye Austin Aries.
I am now triggered.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Oh dang it!
I forgot this side of me!
Why me?
That Kenny Omega, he is here! He's in Chicago!
Why am I going nuts?
Uh, he is in the United States.
Usually he would be in Japan!
But, I forgot about the ROH tour...heh.
Can you forgive me?


Okay, I know why.
I been focusing on Twitch.
I should be ashamed.


A very good day

So, last night, 
I watch and host X33N.
Chat a little.
I said hi to X33N.
But, he had others in the chat also talking.
I will try again tonight.
But, I tweet at him.
Thanking him for the stream.
He like it and retweet it.

This afternoon,
I am watching Meza.
I stalled message him.
Until I saw Chibi.
Then I done it.
He sees my message!
He said my name!
I feel really good.

Both men were streaming Minecraft.
X33N stream Trollvile series.
He also had a visit by Ambrew.
Unknown to him,
Ish13c sneaked in.

Meza streams Space Astronomy.
He is figuring out stuff.
I am watching him see what he does.

I will work on my chatting skills for now.
I hope no one interrupts me watching him.
Unlike when I stream on Twitch.
Playing Minecraft Bedrock servers.
Mineplex with Cake Wars.
Lifeboat with Zombie Apocalypse. 
The phone rings.
I won't answer anyone, except for my mother and maybe my brother.

This is a very good day.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

My thoughts

I have been going through this image in my head.
Me having sex with someone.
But, who you may ask it could be?
I wish I could say, but, it would be dumb.
I could say that he is a Twitch Streamer.
But, I can't say further more.
It's just dumb.
Let's leave that be.
I don't want to betray anyone.
Maybe because I watch him so much through YouTube.
I never had the chance to chat with him when he streams.
But, that could change soon.


Crazy things going on Halloween.
Kids Trick or Treating.
Parents drunk.
A scary movie or a theme movie for Halloween.
What would I do for this?
Maybe dress up.
Maybe do crazy things.
But, who know what is going to happen.
Halloween was fun when I was young.
But as I got older, it wasn't.
All due to my mother.
She want me have a mindset like her's.
I want to have fun.

Shy to them

I am shy when I watch X33N or Meza on Twitch.
I don't chat with others.
Maybe, just maybe I could try.
It's because I am really crazy.
Or because I betray another community.
The wrestling community.
Yes, that one.
You know.
But, it's like trying to tweet at Chris Spradlin (I don't know what he is now) back then.
I am a fool?
No, it's having a crush.
Nah, my emotions are getting the best of me.
It would be like tweeting to Tyson Smith (Yes, Kenny Omega's real name, blame Nick and Matt Jackson on this as well as Slam Sports).
Okay, I need to stop the name dropping.
This poem is ridiculous.
My friend Valentyna would have her shake.
She would know I am losing touch.
But, if I want people know who I am.
I must start to know some.
Like X33N and Meza.

Monday, October 9, 2017

How I fail him.

Oh I feel that I fail in watching him.
That Kenny Omega.
I really like him.
But, everything has been changing in me.
I feel I failed him.
I failed everyone.
How did I fail?
Well, my mind was being focus on gaming.
Also, the crap that everyone is doing on everyone else.
Maybe that is where I need to be.
Oh how I fail him.
I fail everyone.

What seen on Twitch...stays on Twitch.

What happen on Saturday Night.
Must stays on Twitch.
I know I clip it.
But, that clip.
It make me have dirty thoughts.
Seeing him handcuff to the chair like that.
I know I seen two other guys from other teams in the same situation.
But, why him?
Why was I having dirty thoughts?
The answer lies on his pictures.
Mostly on Instagram.
But, I need to stop.
What I saw on Twitch.
Needs to stay on Twitch.
That is all I have to say.
Don't get me wrong.
I like Jordan Maron.
But, what I said.
It can't be said to him.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

How far can we trust them?

Making videos.
Posting on YouTube.
Edited already.
Montaziton on.
Wait a few hours or a day.
Find out got hit.
Ads are limited.
For what reason?
No explanation.
Excuses for the fact.
We want answers.
Just get 1,000 views and they will tell you!
I can't.
I am small.
No help from them.
Be mean to everyone.
That's how it is.
Just look how mean to Casey Neistat and Philip DeFranco!
It's everyone, except for the ones that are network TV.
YouTube, what the heck?
Fix it.
Don't alienate your creators!

How far can we trust them?

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hair dye my way

The hair dye.
What color will it be this time?
Will it be red?
Will it be a different color?
What is it this time?
What product to use?
I use the best.
You have to find it online.
No matter what color it is.
This is my life.
It is how I am.


There is a YouTuber who plays Minecraft and Roblox.
She is SallyGreenGamer.
She is also a mom and a wife.
She has a lot of subscribers.
She is really awesome in a way.
Everyone likes her a lot.
With a positive mind.
She is working with other YouTubers as well.
To bring out the fun for everyone.
She is really nice in a way.
I hope I have that outlook someday.
But, with more passion.

Across the pond.

Across the pond.
Lies good people out there.
From poetry to gaming.
These people I follow and try to support.
Like Stu Bennett and Marty Scurll, that are in the wrestling world.
The poetry mind of Valentyna Holloway.
The singer Emma Blackery.
Not to mention the gamer known Meza who posts on YouTube and streams on Twitch.
Oh yeah, not to mention Tom aka Syndicate. Does vlogs and games.
Why oh why do I mention these people?
Because they are really cool to me.
I know it's a silly thing to say.
But, hey that's my opinion.

Terrible act

Was it...?
No one should be.
The senseless act that happened on Sunday was terrible.
It is time America to stop the hate.
End this madness.
Before it gets worse throughout the years.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Connections of tragic...sorrow.

A while back I was watching a Twitch Streamer who is known as TheX33N,
but to friends and fans as X33N.
He was streaming the game Dark Souls 3.
Something was said that shock me.
Came from him.
He said that his older brother died 25 years ago.
Committed suicide. It was revealed that he was 11 and his brother 17.
I was shock.
I felt there was a connection.
My neighbors who has been living next door my whole life have lost their son in a tragic accident.
I felt he committed suicide by a car crash.
I felt that way.
I don't know why I thought about it.
It was years ago.
It was 25 or 26 years ago.
I don't recall.
It was terrible situation.
I felt the connection between what X33N said in his stream.
I don't know why it would be true.
But, I am just a fool.